W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单
A/C (Account) 账目
A/O (Accoun Of) 入账
A/S(At Sight) 见票即付
A/V (Ad Valorem) 从价税
A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量
AAR (Against All Risks) 投保一切险
ABT (About) 大约、关于
CAN (Air Consignmen Note) 空运的托运单
ADD (Address) 地址
AMD (Amend) 修改
AMT (Amount) 金额
P (Additional Prenium) 附加费
AP( Account Paid) 付讫
B/C (Bill for Collection) 托收汇票
B/D (Bank Draft) 银行汇票
B/E (Bill of Entry) 进口报关单
B/E (Bill of Exit) 出口报关单
B/L (Bill of Lading) 提单
B/M (Bill of Materials) 材料单
BE (Bill of Exchange) 汇票
BHD (Bill Head) 空白单据
C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费价格
O.D.(Cash o-n Delivery) 货到付款
CD (Charge Paid) 付讫
CF,C/F (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费价格
COD (Cash o-n Delivery) 货到付款
CY (City) 城市
D.P.V.( Duty-Paid Value) 完税价格
D.W.T. (Dead Weight Tonnage) 载重吨位,重量吨位
D/A (Documents
against Acceptance) 承兑交单
D/D(DemandDraft) 即期汇票
D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单
D/W (Deadweight) 重量货物
DA (Documents Attached) 附凭单
DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货
DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货
DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货
DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货
E/D ( Export Declaration) 出口申报单
EXW (Ex Works) 工厂交货
(责任编辑:admin)- 上一篇:报关员考试商务英语辅导资料(一)
- 下一篇:报关员考试:报关常用的缩写语(二)