
    601 I’ve been part of this project since its beginning.
    602 I’m Clifton, and I’ve been associated with this project since the beginning.
    603 Please look at the data of this first chart.
    604 The data confirm that this product is safe and effective.
    605 As you can see in this photo, we’ve retained the same style which was so popular in this old model.
    606 Now, we’re doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesn’t wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes.
    607 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time.
    608 Compared to the previous model, our new model is less expensive and easier to use.
    609 It’s available in a variety of sizes at convenience stores and department stores as well.
    610 This is a revolutionary new product.
    611 The X2500 will change your work in the office.
    612 We now have five different models to choose from.
    613 Now, ladies and gentlemen, I’d be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
    614 Are there any questions?
    615 Do you have any questions at this point?
    616 If you have no questions, may I go on to the next stage?
    617 Now, I’d be happy to answer your questions.
    618 I’d like to allow anyone to ask whatever questions they may have.
    619 Your question is how we developed our product?
    620 For those of you that didn’t hear it, the question was how soon we could expect the product to be on sale.
    621 When can we expect its delivery?
    622 It’s already in production, so you can expect it in stores before the end of the month.
    623 When do you expect to have this ready for sale?
    624 What’s the suggested retail price?
    625 What do you expect it to go for?
    626 How did you decide that product was safe?
    627 What’s the basis of your belief that the product is safe?
    628 I’d like to know how you reached your conclusions.
    629 How much will it cost?
    630 We’ve priced it at $ 98, almost 30% less than the competition.
    我们订价为98美元,几乎少于竞争对手30%。 (责任编辑:admin)
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